Congratulations to Palestine, on becoming a non-member observer Satate of the United Nations. the Palestinian people deserve equality and recognition, and have finally achieved it. Let's hope that they now put all of their efforts into coming to some sort of peace agreement with Israel. The tensions between these nations is tearing the Middle East apart, and causing people worldwide to pick sides, creating bitterness and resentment. This is not the wish of either party, I'm sure, and they should work even harder to eradicate the barriers which have been erected by time, mistrust, and past deeds. Every country has a difficult past, full of war and strife, but nations cannot be allowed to use others as a scapegoat, or justify their current behaviour by past atrocities committed against them. Please, if anyone is reading this in a country where there is no freedom, or little (or no) peace, stand up for the rights of all, and call upon your governments to live peacefully. One of my favourite quotes is "when the rich wage war, it's the poor who die". Never have truer words been spoken. Please, please, work for peace in your lives, not war.